Recrutiment of Head Constable in Delhi Police
By admin - Thu Jan 17, 11:55 am
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Job or Vacancy Description:
Applications from Indian nationals are invited to fill up following vacancies in the following category. Recruitment will be held at Delhi for which candidates fulfilling conditions will be considered :
Head Constable (Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele – Printer Operator) : 158 posts (142 Open (UR-71, OBC-50, SC-17, ST-4) and 16 Departmental (UR-8, OBC-6, SC-2), Age : 18-27 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : 10+2 (Senior Secondary) with Science and Mathematics and NTC in trade of Mechanic-cum-operator / Electronic Communication system
Head Constable (Ministerial) : 96 posts (UR-48, OBC-14, SC-32, ST-2), Age : 18-25 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : 12th pass with speed in English typing on computer 30 WPM OR Speed in Hindi typing on computer 25 WPM
Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
Physical : Height : 170 cm., relaxable by 5 cm for hill people and ST candidates, Chest : 81-85 cm, relaxable by 5 cm for resident of hill and ST candidates.
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of Bank DD/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of DCP/ Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi. No fee from SC/ST/Ex-SM candidates.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee should be send the Post Box No. 8020, Delhi – 110033
General Instructions:
1. Every SHO shall ensure that at his Police Station a lady police official/officer not below the rank of a Head Constable available round the clock.As soon as a complaint of the offence is received,
2. After making preliminary enquiry/investigation, the Investigation Officer along with the lady police official/officer available, escort the victim for medical examination.
3. The Investigation Officer shall bring the cases relating to “child in need of care and protection” and the child victim involved in incest cases to the notice of Child Welfare Committee.
4. The Investigating Officer shall endeavour to complete the investigation at the earliest and he shall ensure that in no case the accused gets the undue advantage of bail by default as per the provisions of Section 167 Cr.P.C.
5. The police should keep the permanent address of the victim in their file in addition to the present address and such other information which may help in finding the prosecutrix during trial if she leaves her reported addresses.
6. The Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in W.P. (Crl.) No. 930/2007 titled “Court on its own motion Vs State & Anr” has issued following directions to be followed by IOs while investigating the child sexual abuse cases.
7. On a complaint of a cognizable offense involving a child victim being made, concerned police officer shall record the complaint promptly and accurately.
8. The statement of the child victim shall be recorded at the residence of the victim or at any other place where the victim can make a statement freely without fear.
9. The investigating officer shall ensure that the child victim is medically examined at the earliest preferably within twenty four hours ( in accordance with Section 164-A Cr.P.C.) at the nearest government hospital
10. The investigating officer shall ensure that the identity of the child victim is protected from publicity. The following instructions issued by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Mahender Singh Chhabra vs. State of N.C.T. of Delhi & Ors.
11. Whenever the SDM / Magistrate is requested to record a dying declaration, video recording also shall be done with a view to obviate subsequent objections to the genuineness of the dying declaration.
12. Wherever possible, the I.O. shall ensure that the statement of the child victim is also video recorded. The child victim shall not be separated from his / her parents
13. The police and the Judge must ascertain the language with which the child is conversant and make every effort to put questions in such language. If the language is not known to the Court,
14. In case of a girl child victim the medical examination shall be conducted preferable by a female doctor. In so far as it may be practical, psychiatrist help be made available to the child
14. The parents/guardian/person in whom child have trust should be allowed to be present during the medical examination. Emergency medical treatment wherever necessary should be provided to the child victim.
15. The statement of the child victim shall be recorded promptly and at the earliest by the concerned Magistrate and any adjournment shall be avoided and in case the same is unavoidable, reasons to be recorded in writing.
Tentative Last Date :28-02-2013
About the organization:
Delhi has a long history of policing through the famed institution of the Kotwal. Malikul Umara Faqruddin is said to be the first Kotwal of Delhi. He became the Kotwal at the age of 40 in 1237 A.D. and was also simultaneously appointed as the Naibe-Ghibat (Regent in absence). Because of his integrity and sagacity he had a very long tenure, holding the post through the reigions of three Sultans Balban, Kaikobad and Kaikhusrau. On one occasion when some Turkish nobles had approached him to secure the withdrawal of Balban’s order. confiscating their estates, the Kotwal is recorded to have said, “My words will carry no weight if I accept any bribe from you. It is presumed that the Kotwal, or Police Head quarters was then located at Qila Rai Pithora or today’s Mehrauli.Another Kotwal mentioned in history books is Malik Alaul Mulk, who was appointed by Sultan Allauddin Khilji in 1297 AD. Sultan Alauddin Khilji once said of him, “He deserves the Wizarat (Prime Ministership) but I have appointed him only the Kotwal of Delhi on account of’ his incapacitating corpulence.”When Emperor Shahjahan shifted his capital from Agra to Delhi, in 1648, he appointed Ghaznafar Khan as the first Kotwal of the new city, bestowing on him also the very important office of Mir-i-Atish (Chief of Artillery).The institution of Kotwal came to an end with the crushing of the revolt of 1857, the first war of freedom by the British and, interestingly, the last Kotwal of Delhi, appointed just before the eruption of the first war of freedom, was Gangadhar Nehru, father of Pandit Motilal Nehru and grand father of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister . An organised form of policing was established by the British after the first war of freedom of 1857, with the adoption of the Indian Police Act of 1861.
Address :
Delhi Police
Commissioner of Police,
Post Box Number : 171 G.P.O., N
ew Delhi Ringup on 1090
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