Business Desk Jaipur Heritage Foods Limited, a leading player in the dairy segment in India, today opens its first ‘Select Store’ in Jaipur. The select store is a retailer partnered model where all products of Heritage products will be available. The company partners with the Retailer to drive marketing initiatives and branding for the outlet in the shop in shop model. Retailers with space over 200 sq.ft to Heritage to sell their products.
This is first of its kind in Dairy Industry and Heritage has taken the lead in making consumers lives easy and can shop all the dairy products at one place. Heritage is leading dairy player in the country with having pan India presence. The company has recently acquired diary division of Reliance and expanded their foot print in Northern markets.
Heritage has loose milk, curd, ice creams, ghee and flavoured milk in its portfolio of products. Speaking on the development Ms. Brahmani Nara – Executive Director Heritage foods said “Heritage is constantly expanding its footprint and make its products accessible easily to its consumers. We have different models of Self-owned / partnered outlets which deliver our wide range of products”
Heritage has been following different models to distribute their product range, like Heritage Distribution Centre (HDC) is a company owned franchisee run model, Heritage Parlour (HP) is franchisee-owned, company subsidised and the Heritage Select Store (HSS) is a shop in shop model.
About Heritage Foods Ltd.
The Heritage Foods founded in the year 1992 is one of the fastest growing Private Sector Enterprises in India, with two business divisions’ viz., dairy and renewable Energy under its flagship company Heritage Foods Limited and Cattle feed business through its subsidiary, Heritage Nutrivet Ltd (HNL).
Presently Heritage’s milk and products have market presence in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, NCR Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. It has total renewable energy generation capacity of 10 MW from both Solar and Wind for captive consumption of its dairy factories.