Business Desk This cricket season, Tata Sky’s new advertisement campaign #HarSceneKaMazaaLo launches featuring Megastar Amitabh Bachchan. The campaign brings to life the depth of entertainment that Tata Sky offers, in a lovable and memorable style with Amitabh Bachchan playing a critic in a 9-series ad film and will be unveiled eventually over the month of May. Tata Sky’s Chief Communications Officer Malay Dikshit said, “Tata Sky has a huge number of channels across genres available not only on TV but also on the Mobile app. The idea was to tell…
Tag: Tata-Sky
Tata Sky and Netflix to join hands for the next innovation in content delivery
Business Desk Tata Sky and Netflix today entered into a strategic partnership. Through this partnership in India, in the coming months, subscribers of both Tata Sky and Netflix will have easy access to a world of content through future Tata Sky platforms. Tata Sky subscribers will be able to browse and access the entire Netflix service, including TV shows, films, documentaries, stand-up comedy and kid’s titles. Netflix’s service includes over a thousand hours of Ultra HD content, complementing Tata Sky’s extensive high-quality programming. In view of this development, Harit Nagpal,…