Taylormade renewables limited, declared financial results ,PAT increased sharply by 2.4 times


Mumbai, June 9, 2018: Taylormade RenewablesLtd., engaged in providing renewable energy solutions, has declared its financial results for the financial year ended March 31, 2018.
FY18 Highlights:

• Revenues from operations were at Rs 19.65 crore in FY18 as against Rs 18.17 crore in FY17; increased by 8.1% on YoY basis
• EBIDTA was at Rs2.04crore in FY18 as against Rs 1.26 crore in FY17; increased significantly by 61.5% on YoY basis
• EBITDA margins improved to 11.6% in FY18 as compared to 7.5% in FY17
• Profit after tax (PAT) was at Rs0.97 crore in FY18 as against Rs0.40 crorein FY17; grown sharply by 2.4 times on YoY basis

Commenting on the results, Mr. Dharmendra Gor, Chairman and Managing Director, said, “We are very happy to deliver strong profitability growth for FY18 led by revenue growth and sharp improvement in operating margins during the year. We are expecting strong growth in revenues to continue in this year with further improvement in margins, which would drive the profitability for FY19.”
He further added, “We see a huge opportunity in renewable energy sector as the primary energy demand is expected to increase sharply over the next decade. We foresee long term growth in our business by supplying qualitative products, efficient services and building long term relations with our customers. We are implementing a business strategy to focus on capitalizing on our core strengths and expanding the operations of our business.”
About the Company:
Taylormade Renewables, promoted by Mr. Dharmendra Gor, offers systems of high quality and reliability that intends to provide solutions to the customers for their various thermal energy needs at a reasonable cost.
The company is primarily engaged in providing renewable energy solutions. Their specialization is in manufacturing of Solar Parabolic Concentrating Systems for steam generation used in steam cooking and other industrial application, direct or in-direct heating, including solar air-conditioning, and solar space heating, solar drying, solar waste water evaporation and many more applications requiring thermal energy. The company use parabolic static focus and moving focus technology that concentrate solar radiation by automatically tracking the sun and using the thermal energy. The advantage of using this technology is, it is risk free, safe, and indigenous and this system can be run by any person without using much skill.

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